About Us

Skittleshins LLC, founded in 2019, quickly rose to relevance in the spirits industry. California Cowboy, the company’s first brand, was a moderate success, primarily due to online sales. In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, Skittleshins took things to the next level by obtaining a distribution license, which allowed us to self-distribute in California. This was a major turning point for the company, as it us to reach a much wider audience.

In 2020, we teamed up with Moonshine Bandits, an American country rap duo consisting of Dusty "Tex" Dahlgren and Brett "Bird" Brooks, to create something new. We were tired of the old man whiskey brands that dominate the market, so we decided to create something truly special with Bucked Up Whiskey, driven by our shared love of whiskey and a good time.

Bucked Up Whiskey is fun, edgy, and wild that stays true to its California roots as the products are distilled and bottled in Sonoma County, California.

This whiskey is perfect for those who enjoy a good time and who are not afraid to let loose. It is also a great choice for those who appreciate a quality whiskey that is made with care. Bucked Up Whiskey products are sure to satisfy even the most discerning whiskey drinker, thanks to their smooth taste and bold flavors.


Get in Touch

Want to get more information for press or partnerships? Just stopping by to say hi? All inquiries welcome!